Source code for datafusiontools._core.utils

from typing import DefaultDict, List, Tuple, Union
from .data_input import Data, Geometry, Variable
import numpy as np
import random
from enum import Enum
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class AggregateMethod(Enum): MAX = "max" MIN = "min" SUM = "sum" MEAN = "mean"
[docs]class CreateInputsML: """Utils class that creates features and targets for machine learning class""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._features = {} self._targets = {} self._input_dump = [] self._features_train = {} self._targets_train = {} self._features_test = {} self._targets_test = {} self._features_validation = {} self._targets_validation = {}
[docs] def split_train_test_data( self, train_percentage=0.7, validation_percentage_on_test=0.5 ): """ Method that splits training and testing data. :param train_percentage: Percentage of train samples :param validation_percentage_on_test: Percentage of validation samples taken from test samples """ if self._features is {}: raise ValueError("No features were added for training") if self._targets is {}: raise ValueError("No features were added for training") # get random value of dictionary value = random.choice(list(self._features.values())) number_of_items = len(value) train_samples = int((train_percentage) * number_of_items) train_indexes = random.sample(range(0, number_of_items - 1), train_samples) test_and_validation_indexes = list( set(train_indexes) ^ set(range(0, number_of_items - 1)) ) validation_indexes = random.sample( test_and_validation_indexes, int(validation_percentage_on_test * len(test_and_validation_indexes)), ) test_indexes = list(set(validation_indexes) ^ set(test_and_validation_indexes)) # initialize empty dicts self._features_train = dict.fromkeys(self._features, []) self._features_test = dict.fromkeys(self._features, []) self._features_validation = dict.fromkeys(self._features, []) self._targets_train = dict.fromkeys(self._targets, []) self._targets_test = dict.fromkeys(self._targets, []) self._targets_validation = dict.fromkeys(self._targets, []) for item, value in self._features.items(): self._features_train[item] = [value[index] for index in train_indexes] self._features_test[item] = [value[index] for index in test_indexes] self._features_validation[item] = [ value[index] for index in validation_indexes ] for item, value in self._targets.items(): self._targets_train[item] = [value[index] for index in train_indexes] self._targets_test[item] = [value[index] for index in test_indexes] self._targets_validation[item] = [ value[index] for index in validation_indexes ] return
[docs] def append_features( self, input: Data, variable_names: List[str], use_independent_variable: bool = True, use_location_as_input: Tuple[bool, bool, bool] = (False, False, False), ): """ Function that appends features in private class properties. :param input: data class to be added as feature :param variable_names: list of strings that represents the features that should be extracted from the dataclass :param use_independent_variable: If true then the independent variable of the data class is used as a feature :param use_location_as_input: If true the location attribute of the data class is used as a feature """ # create equivalent Data object to append to features equivalent_variables = [] for variable in variable_names: equivalent_variables.append( Variable(label=variable, value=input.get_variable(variable).value) ) input_with_only_requested_variables = Data( input.location, input.independent_variable, equivalent_variables ) # append to features self._input_dump.append( { "input": input_with_only_requested_variables, "use_independent_variable": use_independent_variable, "use_location_as_input": use_location_as_input, } )
[docs] def get_feature_names(self): """ All the names of features are returned. """ if self._features == {}: raise ValueError("There are no features assigned yet.") return list(self._features.keys())
[docs] def get_all_features(self, flatten: bool): """ Function that returns all features in a form of a numpy.array :param flatten: the returned array is flattened per feature """ return self.get_features(self._features, flatten)
[docs] def get_features_train(self, flatten: bool): """ Function that returns features that are used for training in a form of a numpy.array :param flatten: the returned array is flattened per feature """ return self.get_features(self._features_train, flatten)
[docs] def get_features_test(self, flatten: bool): """ Function that returns features that are used for testing in a form of a numpy.array :param flatten: the returned array is flattened per feature """ return self.get_features(self._features_test, flatten)
[docs] def get_features_validation(self, flatten: bool): """ Function that returns features that are used for validation in a form of a numpy.array :param flatten: the returned array is flattened per feature """ return self.get_features(self._features_validation, flatten)
[docs] def get_features(self, features: dict, flatten: bool): """ Function that returns features from dict :param features: a dictionary of features to be combined :param flatten: the returned array is flattened per feature """ if flatten: # get first key of the dictionary first_key = list(features.keys())[0] number_of_items = len(features[first_key]) result_features = [] for item_index in range(number_of_items): record = [value[item_index] for key, value in features.items()] record = np.array(record).flatten() result_features.append(record) return result_features else: return np.array( [np.concatenate(value) for key, value in features.items()] ).T
[docs] def get_all_targets(self, flatten: bool): return self.get_targets(self._targets, flatten)
[docs] def get_targets_train(self, flatten: bool): return self.get_targets(self._targets_train, flatten)
[docs] def get_targets_test(self, flatten: bool): return self.get_targets(self._targets_test, flatten)
[docs] def get_targets_validation(self, flatten: bool): return self.get_targets(self._targets_validation, flatten)
[docs] def get_targets(self, targets: dict, flatten: bool): if flatten: # get first key of the dictionary first_key = list(targets.keys())[0] number_of_items = len(targets[first_key]) targets = [] for item_index in range(number_of_items): record = [value[item_index] for key, value in targets.items()] record = np.array(record).flatten() targets.append(record) return targets else: return np.array([np.concatenate(value) for key, value in targets.items()]).T
[docs] def add_features( self, input: Data, variable_names: List[str], use_independent_variable: bool = True, use_location_as_input: Tuple[bool, bool, bool] = (False, False, False), ): """ Method that creates features based on the inputs given. """ self.append_features( input, variable_names, use_independent_variable, use_location_as_input ) for variable in variable_names: if variable not in list(self._features.keys()): self._features[variable] = [input.get_variable(variable).value] else: self._features[variable].append(input.get_variable(variable).value) if use_independent_variable: if input.independent_variable.label not in list(self._features.keys()): self._features[input.independent_variable.label] = [ input.independent_variable.value ] else: self._features[input.independent_variable.label].append( input.independent_variable.value ) if use_location_as_input[0]: self._features = self.add_location_to_features( "location_x", input.location.x, len(input.independent_variable.value) ) if use_location_as_input[1]: self._features = self.add_location_to_features( "location_y", input.location.y, len(input.independent_variable.value) ) if use_location_as_input[2]: self._features = self.add_location_to_features( "location_z", input.location.z, len(input.independent_variable.value) )
[docs] def add_location_to_features(self, name_dict, value, length, dictionary=None): if dictionary is None: dictionary = self._features if name_dict not in list(dictionary.keys()): dictionary[name_dict] = [np.array([value] * length)] else: dictionary[name_dict].append(np.array([value] * length)) return dictionary
[docs] def add_targets(self, input: Data, variable_names: List[str]): """ Static method that creates features based on the inputs given. """ for variable in variable_names: if variable not in list(self._targets.keys()): self._targets[variable] = [input.get_variable(variable).value] else: self._targets[variable].append(input.get_variable(variable).value)
[docs] def get_k_closest_features( self, point_compare: Geometry, combined_data: List[Data], number_of_points: int ): # compute distances in 3d space if number_of_points > len(combined_data): raise ValueError( f"The number of points requested ({number_of_points}) is smaller than the number of points provided ({len(combined_data)})." ) distances, indexes = [], [] for counter, combined_feature in enumerate(combined_data): distances.append( math.sqrt( (point_compare.x - combined_feature.location.x) ** 2 + (point_compare.y - combined_feature.location.y) ** 2 + (point_compare.z - combined_feature.location.z) ** 2 ) ) indexes.append(counter) closer_points_index = [ index for dist, index in sorted(zip(distances, indexes)) ][:number_of_points] closer_extracted_features = [ combined_data[index] for index in closer_points_index ] return closer_extracted_features
[docs] def aggregate_extracted_features( self, agrregate_method: AggregateMethod, aggregate_variable: str, closer_extracted_features: List[Data], ): if AggregateMethod.SUM == agrregate_method: aggregated_value = 0 for closer_extracted_feature in closer_extracted_features: values_sum = sum( closer_extracted_feature.get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) aggregated_value += values_sum elif AggregateMethod.MEAN == agrregate_method: aggregated_value = 0 for closer_extracted_feature in closer_extracted_features: values_sum = sum( closer_extracted_feature.get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) aggregated_value += values_sum aggregated_value = aggregated_value / len(closer_extracted_features) elif AggregateMethod.MIN == agrregate_method: aggregated_value = min( closer_extracted_features[0].get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) for closer_extracted_feature in closer_extracted_features: values_min = min( closer_extracted_feature.get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) aggregated_value = min(values_min, aggregated_value) elif AggregateMethod.MAX == agrregate_method: aggregated_value = max( closer_extracted_features[0].get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) for closer_extracted_feature in closer_extracted_features: values_max = max( closer_extracted_feature.get_variable(aggregate_variable).value ) aggregated_value = max(values_max, aggregated_value) return aggregated_value
[docs] def interpolate_on_independent_variable( self, closer_extracted_features: List[Data], main_features: Data, aggregate_method: AggregateMethod, aggregate_variable: str, bounds_error: bool = False, fill_value: Union[str, np.array, List] = 'extrapolate' ): new_values = [] for closer_extracted_feature in closer_extracted_features: # interpolate on independent variable interpolator = interp1d( closer_extracted_feature.independent_variable.value, closer_extracted_feature.get_variable(aggregate_variable).value, bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value, ) interpolated_results = interpolator( main_features.independent_variable.value ) new_values.append(interpolated_results) if AggregateMethod.SUM == aggregate_method: aggregated_list = np.array([sum(i) for i in zip(*new_values)]) elif AggregateMethod.MAX == aggregate_method: aggregated_list = np.array([max(i) for i in zip(*new_values)]) elif AggregateMethod.MIN == aggregate_method: aggregated_list = np.array([min(i) for i in zip(*new_values)]) elif AggregateMethod.MEAN == aggregate_method: aggregated_list = np.array([sum(i) / len(i) for i in zip(*new_values)]) main_features.variables.append( Variable( label=aggregate_variable, value=aggregated_list, ) ) return main_features
[docs] def find_closer_points( self, input_data: List[Data], combined_data: List[Data], aggregate_method: AggregateMethod, aggregate_variable: str, number_of_points: int = 1, interpolate_on_independent_variable: bool = False, bounds_error: bool = False, fill_value: Union[str, np.array, List] = 'extrapolate' ): """ Function that finds the closest point and aggregates results and returns those aggregated results """ # loop through all input data for main_features in input_data: closer_extracted_features = self.get_k_closest_features( main_features.location, combined_data, number_of_points ) # aggregate method if interpolate_on_independent_variable: self.interpolate_on_independent_variable( closer_extracted_features, main_features, aggregate_method, aggregate_variable, bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value ) else: aggregated_value = self.aggregate_extracted_features( aggregate_method, aggregate_variable, closer_extracted_features ) # add the aggregated value as variable in initial feature length_variable = len(main_features.variables[0].value) main_features.variables.append( Variable( label=aggregate_variable, value=np.array([aggregated_value] * length_variable), ) ) return input_data