Source code for datafusiontools.machine_learning.random_forest

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import shap

from .baseclass import BaseClassMachineLearning

[docs]@dataclass class RandomForest(BaseClassMachineLearning): accuracy: Union[List, None, np.ndarray] = None encoder: Union[List, None, np.ndarray] = None model: Union[List, None, np.ndarray] = None n_estimator: np.ndarray = np.linspace(1, 30, 30) max_depth: np.ndarray = np.linspace(1, 20, 20) feature_names: Union[List, None] = None def __run_random_forest(self, estimator): self.n_estimator = self.n_estimator.astype(int) self.max_depth = self.max_depth.astype(int) = if self.classification: # labels target data self.target_label = list(set( # RF model parameters = {"n_estimators": self.n_estimator, "max_depth": self.max_depth} self.model = GridSearchCV(estimator=estimator, param_grid=parameters) # Fit to data, # print parameters print(self.model.best_params_) # compute accuracy self.check_score()
[docs] def train_classification(self): self.__run_random_forest(RandomForestClassifier())
[docs] def train_regression(self): self.__run_random_forest(RandomForestRegressor())
[docs] def check_score(self): """ Computes score of training """ # compute prediction of the training data target_predict = self.model.predict(self.training_data) if self.classification: # compute accuracy self.accuracy = len(np.where(target_predict ==[0]) / len( ) print(f"Accuracy of training: {round(self.accuracy * 100, 2)} %") else: # compute accuracy: RMSE self.accuracy = np.sqrt(((target_predict - ** 2).mean()) print(f"RMSE of training: {round(self.accuracy, 2)}") return
[docs] def predict(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Predict the values at the data points :param data: dataset with features for prediction """ self.prediction = self.model.predict(data)
[docs] def plot_confusion( self, validation: np.ndarray, output_folder: Path = Path("./") ) -> None: """ Plots the confusion matrix for the validation dataset :param validation: Validation data at the predicted points :param output_folder: location where the plot is saved """ output_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) confusion = confusion_matrix( validation, self.prediction, labels=self.target_label ) # , normalize="true") print(f"Confusion matrix:\n {confusion}") disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=confusion, display_labels=self.target_label ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.set_position([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) disp.plot(cmap="binary", ax=ax) # disp.im_.set_clim(0, 1) figname = str(Path(output_folder, "confusion_matrix.png")) plt.savefig(figname) plt.close() return
[docs] def plot_feature_importance( self, input_data: np.array, output_folder: Path = Path("./") ): """ Function that plots the feature importance charts. This is done be using the shap package which uses Shapley values to explain machine learning models. For more information look in shap's package `website <>`__ :param output_folder: location where the plot is saved :param input_data: data to be used for the determination of the Shapley values. """ f = plt.figure() explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(self.model.best_estimator_) shap_values = explainer.shap_values(input_data) shap.summary_plot( shap_values, input_data, feature_names=np.array(self.feature_names), show=False, ) figname = str(Path(output_folder, "feature_importance.png")) f.savefig(figname, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=600) plt.close() return
# TODO why is this plot not showing
[docs] def plot_feature_importance_with_interaction_values( self, input_data: np.array, output_folder: Path = Path("./") ): """ Function that plots the feature importance charts. This is done be using the shap package which uses Shapley values to explain machine learning models. For more information look in shap's package `website <>`__ :param output_folder: location where the plot is saved :param input_data: data to be used for the determination of the Shapley values. """ f = plt.gcf() explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(self.model.best_estimator_) shap_interaction_values = explainer.shap_interaction_values(input_data) shap.summary_plot( shap_interaction_values, input_data, feature_names=np.array(self.feature_names), show=False, ) figname = str( Path(output_folder, "feature_importance_with_interaction_values.png") ) f.savefig(figname) plt.close() return